Monday, March 21, 2011

C4T Summary 3

The third teacher that I was assigned to is Lisa Thumann. Her blog is titled Thumann Resources. The post that i commented on was titled "The Purpose of Education." Thumann states that the purpose of education is to help students develop a lifelong love of learning. She discusses about how she remembers loving school and wanting to learn and how her second grader loves school also and how her student loves to research topics about information she is interested in. She asks what happened between 2nd and 3rd grade because her 3rd grade daughter basically keeps being negative about school saying she can't, she hates, she doesn't like school, it is boring, etc... This is very sad that this child hates school so much. We as future teachers need to not only make a difference and teach our children a love for learning but also teach students in work they are interested in. Thumann then asks what can we do? How can we help? She states that our teachers need to have; enthusiasm, empathy, respect, self-confidence, self-awareness, and the ability to reflect. I completely agree with this and think that our students are going to look up to their teachers, teachers will be role models to their students and we need our students to LOVE learning, but that all comes with the way we teach.
I absolutely love this post for so many reasons, I agree with everything she is saying and love how she compared two different kids that were very close in age. Great Post!

This week I was assigned to the same teacher! Her post was titled "Whatever Works- Don't Fight It"

She was talking about her as a teacher and her coming up with 6 steps to a new plan which I thought were great. Her six steps to changing the classroom and the way we learn are:
  1. It’s not a tech initiative, it’s a learning initiative
  2. Digital Portfolios (using Google Sites)
  3. Managing the 1:1 Classroom
  4. Starting a student leadership team in grades 5-8
  5. Sharing success stories with colleagues
  6. Parent/Community training and showcases

I responded to her post saying:I loved this post and I have enjoyed reading your blog posts recently. I think that the six parts of your new plan seem like great ideas! I think yes we need to make a change in the classroom and I extremely agree with your first part of the new plan saying that it is not about tech initiative its about a learning initiative, although I do feel like technology is a huge part, but its all about LEARNING. We need to improve learning and teaching in the classrooms! Thank you so much for sharing!

 a picture about teachers

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